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Reflective Enhancement for Worn Carpet

Blend-N-Mend is a proprietary combination of advanced polymers and other non-toxic ingredients which help restore the way damaged, dingy carpet fibers reflect light.

Blend-N-Mend comes in three colors: White, Beige or Gray. The beige and gray colors should be used on neutral carpets of a similar shade. White may be used on almost any color.

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The Problem: Over time, high traffic areas begin to show wear due to soil and heavy foot traffic. The fibers become scratched or frayed; they no longer reflect light as well as the rest of the carpet. The lack of light reflection causes even a newly cleaned carpet to appear dirty, dingy, gray or just plain “uglied out”.

The Solution: Now, with Blend-N-Mend, the lost reflective properties of such a carpet can be rejuvenated or restored to an acceptable condition. You no longer need to suggest that the carpet cannot be saved or must be replaced.




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